Monday, December 5, 2011

AICI Mt. States Member Highlight - Judith Rasband

I first fell in love with fashion in Portland, Oregon when I first saw the original Pendleton wool reversible skirts with their wonderful lines, colors, texture, and reversed pattern. I was thrilled to be able to have one, then high-priced for a skirt, at $30. Amazing how inflation raises the price. I was sold on high quality from the start.

By day I work with my staff and clients, by night I work on my creative writing projects—it’s quiet and the phones don’t ring. My bucket list is long!

Image is important because it affects you, your quality of life, and the achievement of your goals.

My business focuses on the physical, psychological, social, and artistic aspects of dress and image—with effects on the individual, the family, and society at large.

My favorite designer? I don’t have a favorite designer, but I do have favorite designs. Too often and depending on the designer, designer clothing is not worth having. Even then, I am selective. One season one designer or design house may have one or two things that may be magnificent—but the price is into five figures and well beyond my comfort level, even for my educational demonstration collection. We have pieces or outfits representative of many fine designers and brands. I do, do a lot of Ou-u-u-u-ing and Ah-h-h-h-ing over the Peruvian Connection catalog and do place orders periodically.

I started my business because people kept asking me to do with them what I was doing with my university students. It was an easy start-up and just kept growing and growing. It’s still growing in very exciting directions.

What Mountain State do you do business in? All of them, nationwide, worldwide. It’s amazing. Never did I dream I would be doing what I am doing today. Life is amazing!

My best fashion advice is to become totally aware of how your dress and grooming affect you, others, and the achievement of your goals—then to present an appearance in harmony with your roles and goals. That covers every aspect of image management.

What's next.... I am currently working on several projects, completing new consulting and business materials for my Conselle affiliates and my image education partner in India. My mind is always on “What’s next?”

Connect with Judith

Twitter: @judithrasband

Friday, December 2, 2011

{7 Habits and Practices for Attracting Clients and Keeping Them}

Please join the AICI Mountain States Chapter for an educational teleseminar with Brenda Kinsel!

Click here to register!

The teleseminar will be recorded for repeat listening! Outline and call in number will be emailed out on 12/11/11 to all paid participants! Hope you can join us!