Saturday, September 20, 2008

Getting The Word Out!

Marketing is central to any business, and is especially important when just starting out. Though referrals are the heart of any service business, what do you do while building your clientele to get those referrals? The following are some ideas for you to brainstorm about while you create your marketing plan.
1. Understand your target market to keep your message consistent. While it’s tempting to try to be everything to everyone, it’s better to outline who you want to reach and find out as much about them as possible. This allows you to convey a message that will resonate with them and be consistent. If your message changes too often, you may end up causing more confusion then recognition. Who is your target audience and what do they want that you can offer?
2. A potential client will probably need to see or hear your message more than once. E-newsletters, mailings, no-fee speeches, volunteer work, the list is endless for you to reach potential clients. What are the ways that you can reach prospective clients repeatedly for them to begin to feel comfortable about hiring you?
3. Strategic Partnerships can be a great way to allow two (or more) businesses to promote themselves and reach new clientele. Examples could be doing a trends presentation at a local boutique, joining with a salon to do a makeover package, or anything that allows both partners to advertise together to reach each other’s markets. This is most productive if both partners have similar target markets. Who do you know that you could partner with for a one-time event?

Hopefully, this gave you a little food for thought. Enjoy these last few days of summer!

AICI SLC Chapter Board

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