Thursday, December 4, 2008

Steppin' Out

It’s that time of year that produces an abundance of parties and get-togethers. Both guests and hosts have many roles when attending a party and below are a few do’s and don’ts to take into consideration.
  • Do mail out invitations early and be precise about the time, place, and purpose.
  • Do RSVP to invitations you receive promptly.
  • Do remember that the invitation is only meant for whom it is addressed, unless it states “and guest.” If it is a dinner invitation, call and give the host the name of your guest.
  • Do make a point to chat with every guest if you are the host.
  • Do work the room initially without your spouse or guest at a social get together. This gives you a chance to greet others you wish to speak with and allows another guest to share information with you that they may not wish to say in front of who you came with. After you have both greeted and chatted with everyone you wish to separately, you may stay together and rejoin any group.
  • Don’t cluster with only people you already know. Make a point to introduce yourself to strangers.
  • Don’t drink too much.
  • Don’t be late. If something unexpected pops up call and let your host know. Otherwise, plan ahead to arrive on time.
Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!

AICI SLC Chapter Board

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