Monday, February 22, 2010

10 Easy Steps to Get Started on Twitter!

If you are not on Twitter, there is no time like the present to join! Following are 10 steps to help you get started. If you have questions or need additional help, please email Tina at or call (303) 501-6676.
1. Go to
2. Click on "Sign up now"
3. Fill in the boxes.
3a.) Your first and last name will show up in the right-hand column of your Twitter home page, along with the information you input about yourself or your business. If you use your real name, it will make searching for you easier.
3b.) Your username is your Twitter handle and is what will show up in the public timeline. This is a good place for your business name.
4. Click on "Create my account"
5. Import contacts or skip this step
6. "Look who's on Twitter" - follow anyone you'd like or skip this step
7. Click on "Settings" at the top of the page
8. Fill in the empty boxes: add your web address, one line bio, location and click "Save"
9. Click on "Design" and upload a photo for a background image (optional) and click "Save"
10. Congratulations! You are now on Twitter. Now start tweeting. . . . and be sure to follow AICI_tweets!

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