Monday, November 28, 2011

AICI Mt. States Member Highlight - Marian Rothschild

I first fell in love with fashion when my best friend came to kindergarten picture day in an Alice in Wonderland dress. It was heavenly. It was forest green with puffy sleeves and a full skirt. The best part was the white pinafore over the top. I coveted that dress. It was breathtaking.

By day I consult, shop, analyze, communicate, edit, enlighten, empower. By night I sleep.

Image is important because your appearance sends an immediate non-verbal message of who you are to everyone who sees you.

My business focuses on empowering successful professionals with information so they can feel confident, attractive, and genuine for every situation.

Who is your favorite designer? Cynthia Rowley

I started my business because it is the culmination of everything I have done in the past.

What Mountain State do you do business in? Colorado

Share your best fashion advice or tip: Wear the same color pants as your hair color, same top as your eye or skin color.

What are you currently working on? After having recently passed the AICI certification exam, I am now putting together my portfolio, which quantifies my education, experience, and business qualifications. As soon as approval comes through I will be fully certified.

Contact Marian:

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