Thursday, January 19, 2012

AICI Mt. States Member Highlight - Suman Agarwal

I first fell in love with fashion when?
When I got into my mid teens, I realized that I have the figure, I have the looks and now I need the right clothes to compliment everything so that I look attractive.

By day I am a thorough professional who is tough, by night ­­­­I am a patient mother of a teenager and a responsible wife.

Image is important because?
Image is you in the eyes and minds of others, it is how people perceive you, and hence it is important to maintain a positive Image.

My business focuses on:
Image Management, our model is slightly different, we work on a large-scale model, today we have 10 offices across different cities in India and we are proud to say that we are the pioneers in introducing Image Consulting business in India. We educate and train people and help them setting up their business of Image Consulting.

Who is your favorite designer?
Sabyasachi  (in India)

I started my business because?
I was always passionate about touching people’s life by making a difference.

What Mountain State do you do business in?
We operate in all major cities in India. Our Corporate office is in Mumbai.

Share your best fashion advice or tip:
Wear only one pattern at a time; too many patterns fight for attention, hence a conflict. There should be only one focal point in a garment.

What are you currently working on?
We are coming out with Courses in Image Management, currently that is on the top priority list. These courses will enable people to look for jobs in retail sector, service industry, lifestyle stores etc. these courses will add tremendous value for people who would like jobs in Companies that focuses on Customer Service.

How can people get in touch with you?
People interested in becoming an Image Consultant or like to avail Image Management Services may get visit our website: or they can mail me directly on

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